Corrugated Metal Pipe

Steel and aluminum pipe is available in a variety of corrugations and wall thicknesses in diameters up to 144”. Corrugated steel pipe (CSP) is available in several protective coatings to provide design service life, while aluminum pipe does not require protective coating. These choices allow designers to economically match the best material to the site conditions.

Corrugated metal pipe (CMP) and spiral rib pipe (SRP) are available in four different material types to economically meet the environmental and service life conditions defined for each installation.

Material Options for Corrugated Metal Pipe:

Aluminum Alloy (minimum service life of 75 - 100 years) 
The core material for aluminum alloy pipe is specially formulated to resist the effects of corrosion and abrasion. Corrosion resistance is further improved by cladding each surface of the core with a higher grade aluminum alloy that totals 10% of the total sheet thickness.


Aluminized Steel Type 2 (minimum service life of 75 -100 years)
Aluminized steel pipe combines the strength of steel with the corrosion resistance of aluminum. Pipe is produced from steel coil with a one-ounce per square foot aluminum coating.


Asphalt-Coated Galvanized Steel
A uniform coating is applied to the interior and exterior of the pipe to increase the service life of galvanized CSP.

Galvanized Steel (minimum service life of 50 years)
The traditional galvanized CSP is produced from steel coil with a two-ounces per square foot zinc coating.


Polymer Coated Steel (minimum service life of more than 100 years)
A 10-mil polymer film is laminated over each side of a galvanized steel coil to create the premier coating available today. The protective film is a tough, rugged polyolefin laminate that provides galvanized CSP with a durable barrier that exceeds the corrosion and abrasion resistance of all other coatings with the added feature of providing a 100-year service life.



ȤƵ and Services of Corrugated Metal Pipe: